25 May 2005

odds 'n ends

Sheesh, work's insane. Too many things going on at once, even for me. Getting ready for the AAPG/CSPG meeting: Exhibits and Papers and Reception. Why did I submit those damned papers? Oh yeah, application-driven marketing.

Yay! The book is here!
But you will have to wait until Friday to find out what the name of the book is. Sorry kids...

UKilt update: Since leaving Seattle, it made a brief stop in Washington, and now it's somewhere between here and Salt Lake... I hope somebody did not mistake it for creepy undergarments.

This could be amusing...

My dogs made the sitter cry this afternoon... I have a dog sitter come by on days I will be away from the house for more than 11 hours to take the beasts out and play with the cats a bit. Well, there was another escape, they dug a new hole. They came back on their own, nice and muddy, and I think she nearly had a breakdown looking for them. She hosed 'em down, and well with the new coiffure that pretty much took care of it.

Had dinner with Hot Smart Guy (HSG) tonight at The Hobbit. Had a blackened burger with sauteed peppers and onions and bleu cheese. It seemed like a good idea at the time. My stomach disagreed. Now THAT's embarrassing: out on a date and you get all queasy and, well, fill in the rest... with a life-size Gollum watching during "the rest". But not as embarrassing as the time freshman year of college when I was messing around with a girl after a frat party and she promptly puked in the middle of my dorm room...tripped my roommate out though so I was happy about it. And nothing, no food poisoning ever, ever, will compare to my 5 day odyssey of praying for God to kill me after eating the pate on the KLM Amsterdam - Abu Dhabi run. Spent a few weeks out in the Omani desert after that doing field work and cleansing my soul. On the return trip, I nearly walked right out of Schipol to abandon my life and just start over...I mean I came this [*] close. Wow, I can remember that feeling just writing about it.

Had a good discussion about Austin tonight. Mixed feelings about that place, really mixed. Have not been there in a year, just cannot do it.