24 June 2005

Playing Geologist

SO! Finally some time to blog! Back from being out in the field, although it was more of a geotour than anything else. I did manage to snag a cool rock to bring home to add to the other 5000 lbs of rocks I have. But this one is cool - all fractured up to scare customers with!

Mount Hood 'n me
G'hopper, POP QUIZ! What kind of folds are those? And no, they're not ptygmatic.
Just for scale, that mountain is about 3000' taller than where I am standing.

Kananaskis Country

I look awfully geologist-like in these pictures! It was great to spend some time out in really fresh air. It rained a bit but otherwise was beautiful. This part of the Rockies is especially amazing and moving, even if you're not a geologist. We got chased off two stops by rangers because of grizzlies in the area - somebody has just been mauled after trying to get close to the "cute bear!" - hello, Natural Selection at work. We saw elk, deer, pickas, voles, and what we thought was a bear but it may have been Yeti.

Anyway, more pictures and thoughts about everything from geology to tradeshows, from ignorance to manners to come. So much racing through my poor little mind! Off to spend a night on the town in a bit, though. Maybe another post before I go.