23 July 2005

"less lethal" weapon

Well, it would seem that the new "less lethal" microwave weapon the Pentagon has been working is coming along nicely. I am all for "less lethal", but more for "more reliable". Being the sorta (!) liberal, isolationist (no longer practical), pacifist (that's not either) I am, I am actually all for giving the armed forces effective weapons that reduce the time required for engagement. You go to war, you should do it right and not fuck around like we are in Iraq with home-made armor and parents mailing flack jackets to their children in the military theater. I mean, WTF? They may not be (dominantly) the children of the upper-middle class, but their lives and commitment is no less valuable.
My worries:
1. Um, microwave weapon that makes the skin warm/hot/uncomfortable? Does it cook you? Will your eyes explode if it is set too high?
2. Reliability in the field. Remember the Chrysler Tank from long ago? I think it was built on a Dodge Aries-K platform. Check the ad out - look at the EPA MPG estimates. Um, looks like 1. pie in the sky and 2. we have not come very far.