SO. The San Bernardino City Unified School District has this new program to improve black students' academic performance by keeping them interested in school, including cultural awareness, social issues, etc. I think that is a great idea.
BUT. They are considering including Ebonics in the program as a sort of "oh, you're an ESL person so we'll teach you in your mother tongue" type of idea. Bad idea. More like bullshit. Ebonics is not a different language, even if the Oakland's school board said it is in 1996. That's crap. You could conceivably travel to many parts of the U.S. and function solely in Spanish. You cannot do that in Ebonics. Do you see Ebonics as a language choice on ATMs? Do you hear it when you get the main phone menu at customer service?
The pilot program is called Students Accumulating New Knowledge Optimizing Future Accomplishment Initiative.
What the fuck does that mean?
The most entertaining part of the article is the commentary of Mary Texeira, a sociology professor at Cal State San Bernardino. Who the Hell is this woman?
She compared the low performance of black students to starvation. "How can you be angry when you feed a family of starving children?'
What the fuck does that mean?