This thought has been lurking in my head all weekend...I wonder if the disaster in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, and the disastrous initial lack of response as well as general incompetence of the government and our inept "leader" may be the best thing for this country.
[ducking my head now]
For example, the Press seems to now have its head out of its ass.
People, lots of people, are madder than Hell. I think that is a good thing. It would seem that even the most stalwart of the Religious Right are appalled, and because they are good (if not misguided, in my humble opinion) people they find it unacceptable, regardless of the socioeconomic demographic of who is in shelters vs. displaced to family/friends, and who died and who survived. An American city is pretty much in a shambles, and before it was stabilized had moments of Lagos-like insanity.
So, I really do think this disaster, so sad and awful, may be the best thing for this country: Out with the neocons and Bushies, and In with something better, or at least less bad.
[ducking my head again]