23 September 2005

Rita: Friday PM Pissiness

Even though now only a cat 3 storm, Rita could really make life messy for a while. So I decided to pay all my bills, 99% of which I do online. So I have this City of Houston parking ticket that arrived in the mail but never on my windshield. I go to the website indicated on the ticket to pay, and get told that that URL is no longer valid, please go to such and such. Now I really doubt that the whole system migrated in the last few days since the ticket was issued. Hello, how hard is this to coordinate??

Anyway, I wander around and finally find the place to enter my ticket and pay (and probably pay a "convenience" fee as well).

So I get this, over and over and over again:


SO, I confirm the number, the format of the number, that ticket is eligible, blah blah blah. No dice.

FEH on you Houston, no money for you today, just because I am pissy and Rita is coming. Fuckheads.