"It's not one of our political fault lines," said Steven E. Friedman, a top political analyst at Johannesburg's Center for Political Studies, a nonprofit research center. "The major issue in this society is race. That's why people join political parties. The party of social conservatism is the African Christian Democratic Party, which wins 1 percent of the vote.
So if race is the burning issue, then once that is under control (like it "is" here), will attention shift to gay marriage (like it has here) because, well there's nothing really big to get pissed off about and issues with strong religious overtones are "all" that's left? Or, does race have strong religious overtones as well? Or, is race something that right and wrong are more clearly defined? Or, is race something where the irrationality of bias and discrimination are so blatantly clear that even the most troglodytic ignoramus can see that it is wrong, yet homosexual equal rights in the form of interpersonal legal agreements and protections are not?
Fuck that.