21 May 2005

now that was odd

Last night I thought perhaps Stepford was under attack by, well, I don't know who. Or maybe NASA down the road had some experiment go wrong... or right... Or maybe all the 'bots went haywire at once.
Anyway, I was on the (cell) phone with somebody I really like to talk to and was glad had called. Chat chat chat, and then silence. Dropped call. Dammit, *@#! Cingular. Wait a few seconds, try calling back. "Call Failed". Hmmm... oh, no signal at all. That's weird. Hmmm. Damn phone. Go to land line (gasp!!), try calling back and get busy signal. OK, now we're colliding in telecommunications space. Try again. And one more time after that. Hmmm. OK, wait 30 mins, Texas' telecommunications all route through Bosnia anyway.
Back to messing with the blog. Save changes. "Error 404 - you suck, you're not connected to anything" But but but I am! The little blinkie light is green not orange! OK, check NY Times page, nothing. CNN, nothing. My office, nothing. Nothing Nothing Nothing. Reboot cable modem, router, machine. Nothing.
Then it crosses my mind that this is what would happen if one of those electromagnetic pulse weapons was used. So back to the land line (gasp!) and there's a dial tone. Call my own cell phone, same busy signal. Now I realize it's the "you suck" busy signal, not the "busy" busy signal. Call my office, which since it has 4 incoming lines, and now it's 9:30 at night, cannot possibly be busy. Well, no dice. Call a couple of friends. No dice. Satellite radio works. So I go to turn on the TV. Oh Thank God! Cheaters is on! I was beginning to think this could be a crisis.
So WTF? All of a sudden, cell phone cuts out and loses all signal. Land line not getting through but there's a dial tone. Internet's "up" but got DNS issues.
Well, I decided that whatever it is, perhaps some vital piece of equipment burned up, perhaps the Cubans have decided to put Houston on the fritz, I cannot do anything about it. So I had cookies and milk with my dogs, read a book, and went to bed.
Now, this morning, everything works! And thankfully, all the minivans and SUVs are reporting to the community pool for Saturday Swim Meet, the neighbor is pulling his crabgrass by hand, and the sun is coming up. All is well in Stepford. Phew.
But seriously, WTF? What was that all about?