01 June 2005


Saw Star Wars Episode III with HSG, who I have now decided to re-christen SHG, for Smart Hot Guy. Had a good time. Got home late, school nights are tough for me. I really need to move into town. Really.
Anyway, the movie. I give it a resounding "eh". No better, no worse than E1 or E2. Both flat and overacted at the same time. Special effects were OK, but I am partial to Yoda flying around all over the place. If you have not seen it yet, then you are not a massive fan. Netflix it when the time comes.
BUT, OMG, the movie EXPERIENCE! I have not been in SO long! I was dazed and confused at the candy counter. $4 for a big cup of water, although I don't think you're supposed to ask for a cup but a bottle of water...also $4. And what lame candy at Edward's Greenway! And then this "show" called "The 20" or something like that, a bunch of extended ads/pseudo-previews. I am floored that the movie component of "dinner and a movie" now costs nearly as much as the dinner! Mental note: smart, hot guys who want to take turns paying for stuff are good.