23 December 2005

getting in the mood

After the GMCH and BCWC on Tuesday, I was in a bit more of a holiday mood. Wednesday was a holiday drinkie with D at Meteor, that was a lot of fun, too. Thursday night SHG and I had Christmas at my house with great Italian delivered from J. Christopher's. I, of course, had been running around getting stuff done before leaving, including wrapping his gifts...which remained wrapped for all of an hour. I much prefer to have it all done two weeks ahead and everything looking cool and mysterious under the tree. Again, not this year.

We sat and drank Vescas with the cats and opened presents, each getting things fun and things useful. I received several items for the next year, but more on that in a few days. I got him a couple of silly gifts, some blog fodder items, and a few practical items (seems like the theme on those was "blades"...hmmm... not sure where that came from). The kitties played with the paper and the ribbon.... I wonder how much ribbon the sitter will be finding in the litter box while I am away over the holidays.