13 December 2005

things on the radio

OK, I have not made a blog entry in a while - it was a busy weekend, but more on that later. There are a few things I have heard on the radio that I need to vent on.

First: Today is the 1000th day of the War in Iraq. Wow. It of course seems like it's been a long time, but not that long. That shows you how good the current War Cabal in Washington is at diverting our attention from it, even that of irritable liberals like me.

Second: The U.S. Army has been using commercial aircraft to send the bodies of fallen military personnel back from the Middle East, in the freight hold, and handled by common airport baggage/freight handlers, with no special attention/honors on arrival. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ALL ABOUT? Our young men and women DIE because of our government's misguided and deceitful execution of a questionable war, load us with rhetoric about supporting the troops, and they cannot even put their bodies on a proper military transport and accord them the RESPECT THEY DESERVE? Sounds like a Find 'em, Fuck 'em, Leave 'em strategy to me.

Third: There are Hurricane Katrina evacuees living in barns. As we approach Christmas, 100+ days after the natural disaster on the Gulf Coast, I guess that's supposed to make them appreciate the conditions in which our Lord Jesus Christ was born, consistent with all those faith-based initiatives that are supposedly helping them. Great going, Bushie and FEMA.

Fourth: I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about "The War on Christmas" from wingnuts like Bill O'Reilly (thanks to SHG for the link) by the secular left. Today on Fox News I heard one commentator, and I cannot find a link for today's comments on Fox News or anywhere, that "retailers should be grateful to Jesus Christ for having been born, because without Him they would not have all this income and be down the drain, and therefore the least they can do is use the word Christmas instead of Holiday." OH PLEASE. First, they don't understand basic economics and that the entire economy would simply have somewhat different numbers across the board. Second, they should go read this news flash from veryopinionated.

Fifth: I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about Intelligent Design. It's a crock of shit. Period. One comment I heard yesterday was that a Creator that made a species that is systematically destroying the planet - it and what lives on it - through gluttony, greed, and myopia, cannot be very intelligent. Well, touché.