25 December 2007

Christmas at the beach

One thing I have really become accustomed to in Houston is the warm weather around Christmas time. Sure, I bitch that it should be colder, there ought to be snow, etc., but to quote an ex of mine "Just who are you Yankees to impose a frigid paradigm for Christmas on the rest of us?"

Point taken.
Anyway, J and I went to the beach today with the dogs. We are the only people we know "stranded" in Houston for Christmas, so it was perfect. We drove down to Galveston, around to San Louis Pass, over to Freeport, and back home. I maintain that the stretch on 288 between Angleton and Iowa Colony is among the most desolate in the country, given that much of it lies just outside Dante's third ring of Houston.

Anyway, we had a great time!